How can you find out the all components (Tables, Modules, Script Include, Notifications, UI Action, etc.) installed with any application?

Follow the below steps:
1. In the navigation filter, enter: sys_metadata.list
2. Click the personalize list icon (gear icon), and add the Package column to the list.
3. Filter the list with these conditions to show only the components for the plugin:
4. [Package] [Is] [<Plugin name>]
5. Select Group by Class.

What is the use of ^ (carat)?

To build multiple term queries or specify multiple field values. For example:

Define table in service now?

A table is a collection of records in the database.
Each record corresponds to a row in a table, and each field on a record corresponds to a column on that table.

What do you mean by table extension in Service Now?

Table extension enable one or more child tables to share fields and records with a parent table.

Can we extend the table after creation?

No, you can only extend tables during table creation.

Define child class and parent class with respect to table administration?

A table that extends another table is called a child class, and the table it extends is the parent class.
A table can be both a parent and child class both extending and providing extensions for other tables.

What do you mean by base class with respect to table administration?

A parent class that is not an extension of another table is called a base class.

What are the different extension models present in now platform?

The Now Platform offers three extension models:
1. Table per class
2. Table per hierarchy
3. Table per partition

What is the difference between different extension models?

Table per class: Creates a separate database table for the parent class and each child class.
Table per hierarchy: Creates one database table for the parent class, which stores all records for the parent and child classes. Child classes do not have separate database tables.
Table per partition: Creates one database table for the parent class, which stores all records for the parent and child classes. Child classes do not have separate database tables. As the database table reaches a storage limit, the system dynamically adds storage tables (partitions) to store additional records.

How can you identify system defined table and custom tables?

System defined table mostly begins with sys and custom defined table always begins with u_ or x_ for scoped tables.

What are the global default fields added to all tables at the time of creation?

By default seven fields added to any table at the time of creation.

Class [sys_class_name]System Class NameIf the table is extensible, a string field that indicates which child table contains the record.
Created [sys_created_on]Date/TimeA time-stamp field that indicates when a record was created.
Created by [sys_created_by]StringA string field that indicates the user who created the record.
Sys_id [sys_id]Sys IDThe unique record identifier for the record.
Updates [sys_mod_count]IntegerA numeric field that counts the number of updates for this record since record creation.
Updated by [sys_updated_by]StringA string field that indicates the user who most recently updated the record.
Updated [sys_updated_on]Date/TimeA time-stamp field that indicates the date and time of the most recent update.
Global Default Fields

Which table contains a record of each table of service now in the database?

The Table (sys_db_object) contains a record for each table in the database.

Which table stores the labels and language Information?

Field labels (sys_documentation) stores the labels and language information.

Can we delete base system tables?

Base system tables cannot be deleted. Also, any missing base system tables are recreated when the instance is upgraded.

Which table contains details for each table and the definition for every column on each table in an instance?

The system dictionary is a table, called Dictionary Entry (sys_dictionary), that contains details for each table and the definition for every column on each table in an instance.

In which table all deleted records get saved?

All deleted records moved to Audit Deleted Records (sys_audit_delete).

Which database supports support roll back or delete recovery?

Instances that use Oracle databases only support roll back. Instances that use SQLServer do not support roll back or delete recovery.

Database typeRoll backDelete recovery
Roll back and delete recovery database support

What do you mean by Assignment rule?

Assignment Rules automatically assign tasks to users and groups.

Do Assignment Rules applied to unsaved changes on a form?

Assignment rules do not apply to unsaved changes on a form. Also the rule is applied only if the task is not already assigned to another user or group.

What is difference between Assignment rule and Data lookup rule?

Data lookup rules offer a generic way to change any field value, not just assignment fields.
Data lookup allows rules to apply to unsaved changes on a form that is not possible using assignment rule.
You can override the default value using Data lookup but Assignment rules cannot overwrite existing assignments (including assignments set by a default value or a previously run assignment rule).

What is the difference between Additional Comments and worknotes fields?

Additional comments:    Any user can update.
Work notes:                      ITIL users can update.

How can you allow a field in a child table to have a different value or behavior than the same field in a parent table?

By the help of dictionary override.

Can you apply dictionary override to the tables present in different scope?

No, you can only add dictionary overrides on tables that are in the same scope as the parent table.

What do you understand by “Collection” field type in service now?

Dictionary entries with the Collection type represent the table rather than a field on the table. Changes such as attributes or the Read only check box applied to this entry are applied to the table rather than a specific field. This entry is automatically created when a table is created. There should not be more than one entry for a table of this type.

What will happen if you change any behavior of a field on a child table that is present on the parent table and also used in some child tables?

If you change any behavior of a field on a child table that is present on the parent table or any child table, it gets reflected to the parent table and all other child tables.

What is the use of audit checkbox of dictionary entry form?

e3f8f4It enables or disables auditing for a table and track record changes on auditing-enabled tables.
Enabling auditing tracks the creation, update, and deletion of all records in the table. If you just want to audit individual fields in a table, you can hide fields you do not want to track using a dictionary attribute (no_audit).

In which table all audited records get saved?

All audited records saved in Sys Audit (sys_audit).

If you audit any parent table? Does child table also get audited?

Tables do not derive the audit flags from parent or child audited tables. For example, if you enable auditing for the cmdb_ci table, only CI’s stored in that base table are audited.

What do you mean by Text Indexing in service now?

Text indexing on a table allow users to search for string values from table records.

What do you mean by display value of a reference field?

Reference fields store a sys_id for each referenced record in the database, but the sys_id is not shown. To display the value as text, we make a field display to true.

Can we make display value to true (display=true) for more than one fields of a table?

No, only one field can be defined as the display value for a table.
When you set the Display value to true, a business rule sets the Display value to false for all other fields on the table.