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Learning skill should be the first skill you develop because it greatly helps you develop other skills.
Skills can expand your professional competency and allow you to perform your job well.
Choose the path that’s right for you, and get started right away.
The best way to develop your skills is to learn from professionals through real projects.
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ServiceNow Gyan has been one of the learning sources for me, have been associated for long and for problems related to application development, scripting, knowledge related stuff. And for almost every case i have found some or otherways of helping hands.

Ankit Sharma
ServiceNow Gyan is a wide spread community of ServiceNow SMEs with industry experience.It is important to stay close to the community for self growth and ServiceNow Gyan is filling that Gap.

Tapas Mishra
ServiceNow Gyan group is a group of experience and inexperience people. Professionals from different experience level help each other to resolve their queries. Also Gyan group even help professionals to find job.

Anubhav Anand
I look at this initiative differently and would appreciate team-on-efforts here to bring a lot to one platform. l have been associated with this awesome community for more than 3 years and found it very-very helpful at different times. Let us together "work better for people"

Dheeraj Saxena